5 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

In the matter of oral health, gums are as important as the teeth. Gums are essentially the protective structures that keep the teeth safe and in place. They are composed of soft tissues that are attached to the bony portion of the tooth and protect the mouth against bacterial invasion. Healthy gums are important to maintain oral health and prevent infections.

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Why Is Gum Health So Important?

Just like the gut, the mouth also houses a whole lot of bacteria that are both beneficial and harmful. This environment inside the mouth needs to stay in balance for good oral health. Maintaining healthy gums is necessary to maintain this oral microbiome and contributes to overall health in the process.

Without proper care, the mucus in combination with other substances forms plaque. This can build up on the gums and possibly advance to gum disease. The excessive bacteria releases toxins that eventually cause the destruction of the gum tissue.

Gum health goes much beyond the mouth and its influence on general health is profound. Bad oral / gum health may contribute to any of these conditions:

  • Heart disease- Studies show that an Infection in your gums increases the risk of blockages in the arteries and exacerbates the existing cardiac diagnosis.
  • Stroke- The blocked arteries increase the risk of stroke.
  • Respiratory infection- infection-causing organisms that invade the oral cavity extend to the respiratory system and cause infections such as pneumonia.
  • Increases the chances of preterm birth- A prenatal woman who does not have healthy gums during pregnancy has a higher chance of preterm delivery and a lower birth weight baby.
  • Diabetes- Maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is difficult in diabetics with gum disease.

Periodontal or gum disease is most often caused by

  • Poor oral hygiene – Inadequate / improper brushing and flossing
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal influences such as pregnancy, menopause, menstruation may negatively impact healthy gums
  • Diabetes
  • A positive family history of dental conditions
  • Certain anti-epileptic and cardiac medications -Various types of medications can contribute to a dry mouth. This dry environment is a very favorable condition for the plaque to get attached to the tooth.

Certain other issues can enlarge the gums, predisposing them to attract plaque.

Discuss these concerns with your doctor to avoid these triggers of gum disease.

Some of the foods that may cause periodontal disease are

  • Sugary foods in excess including sweets, desserts, flour bread, etc prevent maintenance of healthy gums
  • Deficiency of Vitamin C- known as scurvy that may cause bleeding gums, further infections, and eventual loss Coffee, tea
  • Alcohol intake dries out your saliva. The saliva helps to protect against recurring gum infections. When the mouth is dry, the possibility of catching an infectious condition is higher.
  • Carbonated beverages such as soda also dry out the mouth and release acids that are damaging to the gums and responsible for accelerating gum damage
  • Fruits that are acidic and their juices
  • Cold foods such as ice cream contain excess sugar that sticks to gums and releases acids causing gum damage. The icy temperature further irritates the sensitive gums and cause exposed dental roots to wear off
  • Biting on acidic fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, oranges, lemons, etc exposes the gum tissue to direct acid contact.

You must keep these things in mind if you are concerned about how to fix unhealthy gums

Healthy Gums

5 ways to prevent gum diseases

Once gum disease has progressed to a severe stage, it is not possible to revert it to a healthy condition. So it is imperative to detect it early and follow a routine before it worsens.

  • One of the most common healthy gums tips you will hear is to brush your teeth twice daily
  • Flossing prevents plaque build-up and decreases the chances of periodontal disease
  • Quit smoking – Smoking causes tartar that creates more space in the gums to trap the bacteria. This becomes challenging for the body to fight the bacteria. If the condition worsens, more bone is lost as the disease progresses.
  • Stay on schedule with professional dental cleaning- This helps to detect early signs of gum disease and receive treatment on time
  • Fluoride toothpaste- Using toothpaste with fluoride is your answer to “ how to keep healthy gums”. The fluoride helps to clear the bacterial build-up, fights cavities, and replenish the acid damage caused to the tooth
  • Natural remedies for healthy gums include a healthy diet, oil pulling, intake of foods such as cranberries, gargling with salt water to rinse off accumulated food debris, etc, vitamin supplements are some healthy gums tips that you can use

Which vitamin is considered good for the gums?

If you are looking for ways on how to strengthen gums naturally, these will help.

  • Vitamin C is very important to maintain gum health, maintain general immunity, and prevent infections. So include Vitamin C-rich foods in moderation.
  • It helps to retain the collagen levels that preserve the structural integrity of the gums
  • Vitamin D is known to activate the body’s self-defense mechanisms and protect against gum infection and inflammation
  • Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in wound healing and maintaining normal blood cell development. This vitamin helps to prevent aggravation of gum disease and prevents periodontitis to a great extent

Keeping these tips for healthy teeth and gums in mind will help to prevent gum disease to a great extent.

When to see a doctor?

If you notice any of the following, then it’s time to visit a dentist for a professional opinion

  • If you experience bleeding of the gums when you brush or floss
  • Redness or swollen gums
  • A receding gum line that makes teeth appear longer
  • Increased sensitivity to heat and cold along with pain
  • Bad breath that does not improve
  • Pain while chewing
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth that doesn’t reduce with time


Aashlok hospital the best dental hospital in Delhi is committed to patient care and excellence in service. We endeavor to provide the most comfortable experience with prompt appointment scheduling, minimal waiting time, and the right treatment. Our highly skilled dental team along with the most advanced facilities ensures that our patients are taken care of properly. Aashlok has been synonymous with maintaining standards that well exceed your expectations.

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