Kidney stones may be caused by eating certain foods. It is recommended that you eat in moderation and eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Foods high in sodium, cola drinks, fast foods, processed meats, some vitamins, soy milk, and unhealthy fast foods are all foods that can cause kidney stones in certain people. The good news is that there are a variety of foods you can include in your daily diet to help avoid stones. For kidney stone problem contact Aashlok hospital is the best kidney stone hospital in Delhi.

best kidney stone hospital in Delhi

Water- drinking water is the most effective way to avoid kidney stones. Two to three liters of water (at least 64 ounces or more) are recommended every day.

Lemon-Lemon contains citric acid that prevents the formation of kidney stones and helps break up the stones that have already formed. Add some newly pressed lemon to your water for a refreshing drink. 

Vegetables-Potassium-rich vegetables such as sprouts and broccoli reduce calcium loss and avoid the formation of kidney stones. These foods also have antioxidant properties that help prevent cancers of the bladder, prostate, and kidneys.

best kidney stone hospital in Delhi

Whole grains– Many whole grains lead to a healthier weight that is effective in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones.

Calcium–  Calcium in milk and yogurt can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.

If you have a stone in your kidneys, we can help. We use the latest technologies and prevention approaches to offer comprehensive treatment to those who have or are recovering from kidney stones.The Kidney Stone Center at Aashlok multispeciality hospital is the only center of its kind and is the best kidney stone hospital in Delhi.

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